How Telehealth Can Fight Healthcare’s Great Resignation

Great Resignation

How Telehealth Can Fight Healthcare’s Great Resignation

For the last year, employees have been leaving their jobs in record numbers. Few industries have been hit as hard as healthcare. According to several studies, the field has lost an estimated 20% of its workforce, including 30% of its nurses. The reasons for quitting are myriad, but a common denominator is burnout, which was already a major concern for healthcare professionals and has now been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Fortunately, telehealth can help solve problems around staffing, workflow, retention, and burnout.

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A Must Read White Paper for Healthcare Leadership

Telehealth provides a tremendous opportunity to improve patient engagement and satisfaction, but it’s not without its hurdles. Healthcare organizations that are looking to provide telehealth services should first consider what, if any, barriers to access their patient population has. Then, they should work with their telehealth provider to find solutions that will enable patients to get the care they need when they need it.

A report estimated that the U.S. could face a shortage of 37,800 to 124,000 physicians by 20346.

Telehealth can help alleviate many of the challenges around healthcare recruiting and retention.

With employees wanting more flexibility and greater work-life balance, healthcare organizations can benefit from offering a hybrid or remote environment to attract candidates.

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